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ERA Singapore

Step By Step Guide To Be A

New Real Estate Salesperson


"Your future depends on what you do TODAY, not tomorrow."

If you have a strong desire to succeed while interacting with people, then real estate sales is the career for you.

Step out of your comfort zone and discover how we can transform your strengths and talents into a fulfilling career.

Joel Wee

A career in real estate provides you with flexibility and the freedom to set your own pace of work. Your income will be a direct reflection of your efforts. There are no limits on what astute, hard-working men and women can earn here. Successful property agents are goal-oriented, persevering, self-motivated, ambitious and people-oriented.


The rewards are the potential for high earnings, status in the community, autonomy, freedom of time, intellectual challenge, helping people on their relocation needs and the ultimate satisfaction of accomplishments. We welcome you to join us if you desire to achieve more!


STEP 1: Register for our ERA Real Estate Career Opportunity Seminar

It's important to hear from the Division Directors & Leaders the thrills, rewards and adventure you will be embarking. Get yourself some valuable tips for your RES (Real Estate Salesperson) exams and get your free RES revision classes date. We invited you to register for the next FREE 2-hr real estate career opportunity seminar here.

STEP 2: Registration Criteria for New Salespersons for the RES (Real Estate Salesperson) Course


After the meet up session, we will guide you through step-by-step on how you can register for your RES courses.

Basic Requirements & Qualifications:

  1. Must be at least 21 years old; Singapore Citizen or PR;

  2. Possess at least one of the following:
    - Minimum qualification of 4 GCE 'O' levels passes in two (2) sittings or
    - Higher NITEC or
    - Diplomas from the local government polytechnics or
    - Degrees from the local government universities (NUS, NTU, SMU) or
    - WPLN level 5 and above
    (Applicants who have attained Level 5 and above for the Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WPLN) assessment in these 5 components Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing and Numeracy will be recognized in lieu of 4 GCE "O" level passes WPLN Download Form

  3. Possess a pass in the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) exam or equivalent

  4. Be registered with only 1 licensed estate agent

  5. Must not be an existing licensee/Key Executive Officer of another licensed estate agent

  6. Must not hold a moneylender's licence and not be an employee, director, or partner of a licensed moneylender

  7. Undertake mandatory continuing professional development of at least 6 hours a year

  8. Must be covered by a Professional Indemnity Insurance valid for at least one year from the commencement date of the registration.

  9. Must not be in arrears with the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board for Medisave contribution. Please click here to check if you have Medisave liabilities.

  10. Fulfil the fit and proper criteria, such as:

  • Must not be an un-discharged bankrupt or have entered into a composition or scheme of arrangement with their creditors

  • Must not have any convictions in a court of law in any country.*

  • Must not have any judgment that involved a finding of fraud, dishonesty or breach of fiduciary duties entered against them in civil proceedings

  • Must not have been detained under the Misuse of Drugs Act or served with a detention/police supervision order under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act

  • Has not been convicted of any offence under the Estate Agents Act

*Note: Applicants must not withhold declaration to CEA of any convictions in a court of law in any country.

(Applicants having other qualifications eg. overseas qualifications or private diplomas (eg SIM, SHATEC, MDIS, NAFA, Laselle College, Kaplan etc, will need to have their qualifications assessed by CEA for purpose of determining whether the educational qualification requirement is met. Candidates who wish to submit their qualifications (e.g. overseas qualifications or private diplomas) for assessment to determine if the qualifications meet the educational qualification requirement may email their academic certificates, academic transcripts, any other supporting documents together with the completed Educational Qualification Assessment form to CEA at


Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Course Schedule

(Kindly check with us for the latest RES course schedules)

Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Course Enrollment Fees

$834.60** inclusive of 9% GST (Excluding RES Examination Fee)

(6mth / 12mth installment for VISA and Mastercard users from DBS and POSB bank)


 **You can make a claim of $500 credit by 'Skillsfuture' if you are a Singapore Citizen and above 25 years old after your book for your RES course at the registration counter.

STEP 3: Registration Of RES Exams


Registration of RES exam can only be done with the  'Certificate of RES Course Completion' issued by your course provider.


RES Exam Format
With effect from 2023, the RES Exam Format of both Paper 1 and 2 is as follows:


Examination format:

RES Examination consist of two papers, Paper & Paper 2. The duration of each paper is 2 ½ hours per paper)

Both Paper 1 & 2 comprising of the following:
Section A : 60 MCQs (60 marks)
Section B : 20 MCQs with reference to 1 or 2 Case Studies (40 marks)

Candidates who fail any Papers will need to retake the RES exam as a fresh candidate; i.e. need to take Paper 1 and 2 in single sitting in their next attempt. Modular passing will apply only if the candidate has passed one Paper.

Important Note: There is no change to the examination requirement for RES course participants to pass the RES examination within 2 years from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Completion of RES Course. If they are unable to pass the remaining Paper within the 2-year time frame, they will have to re-take the RES course and take the full RES examination, both Papers 1 and 2.

Duration of Examination
Paper 1: 2.5 hrs
Paper 2: 2.5 hrs
Successful candidates must apply for registration with CEA within 24 months of the date of issuance of the examination certificate after which, results will be invalid for licensing and registration purposes.

Total Exam Fees
S$512.30 (Incl. GST) for both Papers (Paper 1 + Paper 2)

You can make a claim at NTUC UTAP and enjoy UP TO $500* UTAP Funding^

NTUC Members can enjoy up to 50% funding (capped at $250 per year) under Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP). NTUC members aged 40 and above can enjoy higher funding support up to $500 per individual each year, capped at 50% of unfunded course/exam fees.

Login to UTAP website to claim after RES graduation.

Examination Results and Certificate

Exam Administrator will notify candidates the results. With effect from the July 2011 RES examination, modular passing will be allowed. Candidates will be allowed to retake only their failed Paper on the next available examination date.


The results for July 2011 RES examination onwards will be in one of the following formats:
Pass (P)
Fail (F)

Pass Paper 1; Fail Paper 2 (P1 F2)
Fail Paper 1; Pass Paper 2 (F1 P2)

Pass Paper 1; Pass Paper 2 (P1 P2)


You are required to PASS BOTH PAPERS 1 & 2 to be a licensed Real Estate Salesperson.

The RES examination results are released approx 4 weeks after the examination is held. The process may be extended due to other relating factors such as the number of candidates taking the examination. A certificate will be issued to successful candidate. No replacement certificates will be re-printed for lost certificates, only a letter of confirmation of qualification attained will be issued upon formal request made.


STEP 4: Congratulations, YOU'VE PASSED!!

Be quick to set up an appointment with our appointed studio as we will require a professional photo taken in our ERA Corporate Attire. 


(Please make an appointment with our appointed photography studio as they have the ERA red tie and ERA corporate jacket at their studio)

Appointed Photography Studio: Picture ME


  • Suntec City Mall #03-1036, Suntec Tower 4 (near Burger King) Tel: 63369453


STEP 5: Registration of CEA License & Estate Agency @ ERA Head Office

Do schedule with District Division Director Joel Weel for registration at ERA Toa Payoh APAC centre office.

**NEW RES START UP WELCOME PACKAGE 2024 & 2025 Worth $2,536**

Get your subsidized RES joining fee package when you sign up with us.

1) FREE 2-years 2023 & 2024 CEA Registration Fee / Renewal Fee

2024 & 2025 CEA License Fee + Work Kit = $560 (Now $0)

2) Subsidised ERA Ultimate AccelERAtion Mastery (Compulsory Training)

ERA has the best course to kick start your career with practical hands-on and on-the-job trainings. This is 3 Full Days Intensive Course. Ultimate AccelERAtion Course Fees: $1,676 (Now $0)  (This is a monthly ERA in-house course)

3) ERA Cash Reimbursement worth $300*

ERA will support you to kick start your career up to $300 cash incentive towards your online portals and digital marketing tools. (Ipad / Portals / RES Course Fee / Professional Photo.)

*T&C Applies

Things to prepare for the registration:
1) NRIC (Both Original & Photocopied)
2) Highest Academic Qualification Certificate (Original & Photocopied)

3) RES Passing Certificate or Email proof of passing exams

4) One softcopy of ERA Corporate Photo (Can be submitted after registration)

STEP 6: Welcome to the One ERA Family! Kick start your career!


Welcome Onboard ERA! Please kindly await ERA HR to notify you on your CEA license approval. CEA may take 2 to 4 weeks for the approval. You can only start practicing as a professional real estate salesperson upon the approval.


Meanwhile, do contact your manager at this stage for a meet up session during this period to prepare yourself to kick start your career.

Have a rewarding journey!

Alex Lim Preeminent Group ERA real estate
Preeminent Group.jpg

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Copyright © 2023 ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd . CEA Estate Agency Licence: L3002382K

Address: ERA APAC Centre 450 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh Singapore 319394

Joel Wee Divisions . All Rights Reserved . Privacy Policy

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